Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions.

Administrator or GCT – Gdynia Container Terminal Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdynia.
Personal data – information about a natural person identified or identifiable by one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity, including device IP, internet identifier and information collected through cookies and other similar technology.
Policy – this Privacy Policy.
GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
Service – the website operated by the Administrator at www.gct.pl.
User – any natural person visiting the Website or using one or more of the services or functionalities described in the Policy.

2. User data processor. All data entered or processed when using the Website is processed by the Administrator: Gdynia Container Terminal Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdynia, (81-184) at 5 Energetyków Street, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VIII Economic Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS number 0000901814, NIP: 586-00-20-200, the amount of the paid-in share capital 11,379,300.00 PLN.

GCT may disclose and transfer Personal Data in Poland and in the European Economic Area, as well as in certain cases to affiliated companies or subsidiaries of the group to which GCT belongs located in a third country, i.e. Hong Kong. Such data processing involving the transfer of Personal Data to a third country is permissible because adequate safeguards have been provided in the relationship with the entities that are potential recipients of the Personal Data, including through the implementation of standard contractual clauses referred to in Article 46(2)(c) of the GDPR. Transfers of data occur when necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by GCT. By using the website and submitting information to it, the User consents to the transfer of his personal data on the above terms.

3. General information.

The use of the Website processes visitor data stored by the Administrator as HTTP requests directed to the Website server. The resources viewed are identified by URLs. The information stored in the web server log files of the Service is as follows:

  • the public IP address of the computer from which the request was made (this can be either your computer directly or your mobile device)
  • the name of the client station – identification via HTTP if possible,
  • the user name given during the authorisation process,
  • the timing of the enquiry,
  • the first line of the HTTP request,
  • HTTP response code,
  • the number of bytes sent by the server,
  • the URL of a page previously visited by the user (referer link), in the event of a link to a page on the Website,
  • information about the user’s browser,
  • information about errors that occurred during the execution of the HTTP transaction.

As a general rule, this data is not associated with specific visitors to the Website, but in certain exceptional situations it may be associated with your Personal Data. In order to ensure the highest quality of the Site, we occasionally analyse log files to determine: which pages are visited most frequently, which web browsers are used, whether the structure of the site contains errors or in the event of updates, or for other purposes related to the management of the GCT servers and the Site and its correct functioning. Lack of data or the impossibility for the Service to receive this data may cause difficulties or make it impossible to use the Service.

The processing of data when using the Website shall respect confidentiality and, in any case where the processing involves Personal Data, in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, in particular the provisions of the GDPR.

4. Basis for processing Personal Data.

The basis of the processing with regard to the data processed on the Service is:

  • Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, which provides that processing is lawful if the data subject has consented to the processing of their personal data for one or more specified purposes – the purposes of the processing are listed above.
  • Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, which provides that the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. In this respect, the legitimate interest is the need to ensure the proper functioning of the Service, to ensure the protection of the data collected, including the business secrets of the Controller, to protect against unauthorised access to the GCT servers and the Service.

5. Recipients of personal data.

The recipients of your Personal Data may be authorised GCT employees or persons providing services to GCT, in particular in the area of IT and cybersecurity. Exceptionally, data, including to some extent Personal Data, may be processed by employees or persons providing services to GCT group companies.

6. Storage time for data, logs and Users’ Personal Data.

The data and logs collected about the operation of the Service and Users are stored indefinitely as support material for the administration of the Service. The information contained therein is not disclosed to anyone other than those authorised to administer GCT’s servers and the Service’s IT infrastructure.

Collected Personal Data processed when using the Website shall be stored for as long as necessary for the purposes of collecting such data, to the extent legally permissible. The Administrator shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that, once the Personal Data is no longer needed, it is deleted or anonymised with the result that it is no longer possible to establish the User’s identity on the basis of the stored data (unless the Administrator is obliged to retain it due to the need to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including the GDPR).

7. Rights of users of the Service.

Users of the Website have the right to access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, transfer of their Personal Data processed on the Website – in each of the above cases, as far as such Personal Data is processed.  Users of the Service have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (2 Stawki street, 00-193 Warsaw);

Users of the Website have the right to object to the GCT – for reasons related to their particular situation – to the processing of their personal data. Users also have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time.

8. Cookies.

The mechanism of cookies is not used to obtain any information about Service Users or to track their navigation. Cookies used on the Website do not store any Personal Data.

Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the Service User’s terminal equipment and are intended for the use of the Service’s websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the terminal equipment and a unique number.

Cookies are used for:

  • adapting the content of the Website pages to User preferences and optimising the use of the websites; in particular, these files allow for recognition of the Website User’s device and appropriate display of the website, adapted to his/her individual needs;
  • the creation of statistics that help us understand how visitors to the Website use the websites, which enables us to improve their structure and content;

The Website uses two main types of cookies: “session” (session cookies) and “permanent” (persistent cookies). “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User’s terminal equipment until they log off, leave the website or switch off the software (web browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored on the User’s terminal equipment for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the User.

The following types of cookies are used within the Service:

  • “necessary” cookies to enable the use of services available on the Website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication on the Website;
  • cookies used for security purposes, e.g. used to detect misuse of authentication on the Website;
  • “performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information about the use of the Website’s websites;
  • “functional” cookies, which make it possible to “remember” the User’s selected settings and to personalise the User’s interface, e.g. with regard to the chosen language or region of origin of the User, the font size, the design of the website, etc.

By default, the web browsing software (web browser) allows cookies to be stored on the User’s terminal equipment. Users of the Website may change their settings regarding cookies at any time. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of the web browser or inform on their each time they are placed in the equipment of a User of the Service.

The Administrator informs that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect certain functionalities on the Website.

9. Links and other websites.

The website contains links to other websites and other GCT services. The Administrator cannot be held responsible for the privacy policy of other websites which do not belong to him. The Administrator recommends that when you go to other websites, you familiarise yourself with the privacy policy established there. This Policy applies only to the Website.

10. Contact.

For information on the processing of your personal data (including but not limited to collection, recording, storage, sharing, deletion), please contact us directly, by post or by email at:

Gdynia Container Terminal Sp. z o.o.
ul. Energetyków 5, 81-184 Gdynia
e-mail: rodo@gct.pl,
Tel: 58 78 55 366, 58 78 55 364 Fax: 58 78 55 344